Raven's Revelations

Raven Moonshadow your devout diviner

Human Necromancer Diviner
Favored Weapon: Crystal Ball (Orb)
Favored Divination Tool: Dice of Wonder

Pole Fife token

Favored Weapon: An Axe and an Ale
Favored Divination Tool: An Ale and an Axe
Litalia jewelofthesea shadowsquasher shrimp flimp
 saviour of unlost objects chatterbox "Lita"

Svirfneblin Gem Finder
Favored Weapon: a dagger, of course
Favored Divination Tool: sparklie cristals

Mr. Verkatsa Goldthumb the producer

Half-Elven Noble
Favoured Weapon: Whatever gets the job done
Favoured Divination Tool: Gold Piece

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