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Rydia commands her army.
MySteRY 2015
Come forth, my children...

What is this? A new challenger approaches. In music video form?

Check back for more information!

THE Kristin Maura.

Group Photo.

Stabby Photo.
November 2015
Nintendo Strikes Back

Rydia adores Nintendo so much (and you, too, Playstation/Square), that you can find her at the 2015 Nintendo Holiday Experience in King of Prussia, PA.

But don't worry, you can still find her singing in Boston right before Christmas!

If you can't make it, here is a picture of Rydia & Jordan as Cat Peach & Mario from StreetPass Boston & NYC.
Rydia and Jordan from StreetPass
                              Boston & NYC at Cat Peach and Cat

Betty Sue and Kendra

Rinaldy (not the Wolf Doctor) as an
                            Inkling attacking poor Liepard Miz Sylver
Podcast Mania

Can't find Rydia in person and just want to listen to her voice? Well, now you can in a pilot for Inventing Kot  (like, subscribe, follow, here!), a wacky cartoon similar to something you might stumble upon late night on Adult Swim.

Or perhaps you are more into Pokémon... The Wolf Doctor (not pictured left - that's punk Inkling Kid Icarus Master Rinaldy) has created PokeProblemsPodcast - for all things related to suffering, Pokémon Shuffle, video games, and all things awesome in general. Meow.

October 2015
New York Comic Con

Once again, you can try to catch Rydia in the Javits Center at New York Comic Con. Did you bring your Master Ball? She will be a seeing eye kitten for #awesomesauce Adam Anthony and trying to stalk down Chris Claremont and anything related to Back to the Future and Evil Dead.

It should be noted that the only fanclubs Rydia has ever joined are for William Shatner and... Bruce Campbell <3 4ever

Find Miz Sylver at New York Comic

Rydia will be
                              at PAX Prime
August 2015
Paxus Primus

Miz Sylver will be appearing at PAX Prime! She will be hosting a panel on Saturday August 29th at 7 pm in the Cerberus Theatre: How to StreetPass in Amiibogedon (thank you for the inspiration Ethan-Miguel) with
Andrew Reistroffer (SPSeattle),
Natalie Kipper & Jennifer Holly (SPLA), Kelsey Lewin (Pink Gorilla Games) and Sean "Mario" Sullivan.

But you can also find her tied down to Skullcandy playing Guitar Hero: Live!
June 2015
Itsy Bitsy Spyder

In case you were wondering, Miz Sylver loves Silver Spyders. Alright, so maybe the vehicle pictured to the right is white like her Firebird.

The point is, you can now view a short commercial from Audi featuring Rydia using her Grand Theft Auto skills.
                              loves Silver Cars that go Fast

One Does Not Simply...
April 2015
One does not simply...

...eat one package of Little Bites.

As hungry as ever, Rydia masqueraded again as Bimbo Bear, the Entenmann's mascot, ravaging Walmart.

If anyone can find these, please send them. They are the tastiest of treats.
March 2015
PAX East: Gold Edition

Want to find Rydia at PAX East?

Check out the Second Quest (That'll be 99 Gold!) panel at 8:30 pm in the Bobcat Room. You can find her with fellow panelists Ethan-Miguel Scott from StreetPass Boston, Jon Myers from Reactive Studios, Eddy Webb from Transmedia and Allison Thresher from Harmonix.

Who wants to play some Dance Central!
                              will be at PAX East!

Panelist Picture Preview!
Rydia was
                            in the Charlton Villager paper!
Mid-February 2015
Pre-Valentine's Performance

Did you know February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month?

Take the time to read an article from the Charlton Villager written by Olivia Richman about Rydia's performance of Deana's Educational Theater's The Yellow Dress at Shepherd Hill Regional High School in Dudley, MA.

February 2015
TempleCon X: Crossroads

Experience Imperium: An Evening of Retro-Futurism Entertainment, emceed by the illustrious Miz Sylver at TempleCon.

Maybe you need her advice at the Game Adventure Design panel with Ben Greenwood of Gooder Games.

Or perhaps you choose to be soothed by her voice during a reading of Michael's Satran's latest work, Hellbow Rune.

But maybe... just maybe... you want a chance at real suffering in the fantasy land of Dungeons & Dragons... Mafia Mania: The Next Awakening.
                              Sylver will return to TempleCon X:

Picture Preview
photography copyright MG Norris
Rydia in a video for Boston
                              Children's Hospital

Candid Still
photography copyright M. Shawn Read
January 2015
For the Children

After meticulously creating a background with her "children" Rosa & Jimmy, Rydia filmed a video for the Judge Baker Children's Center with Dr. William Beardslee regarding Family Talk and In-Home Therapy programs.

Note: no children were consumed during the filming process.

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